Reflective Journal

For this two weeks I went to SMAN 54 Jakarta to do teaching experience, but I don’t want to tell about the experience became teacher assistance and teaching experience in this occasion, I’ll share you about the technology exist in that school, the use of it in that school by the teacher, and what my suggestion is about it.
Based on the headmaster of the school explanation, almost all of the classrooms have LCD and projector to support teaching and learning process, but there is no laptop or computer in each classroom because they still can’t afford it. When I observed some classrooms one by one, I found that each classroom has two Air Conditioners (AC), almost all of the classrooms have an LCD and a projector (there are a few classrooms have no LCD and projector), there is no laptop or computer in each classroom, it means there is no speaker to support the use of LCD and projector, the speakers are available in each room only for announce information from announcement room. If the teacher wants to show the students a video using LCD and projector, the teachers should lend the speakers from computer laboratory to make the video audible. The teachers also have to bring their own laptop. There is no language laboratory in that school only computer laboratory is existing. In computer laboratory there are about 40 computers. When I came in the teacher room, I saw there were 4 computers, a television and three Air Conditioners. There is no speaker in the teacher room. In second week I found interesting thing. In some spots I found cctv. I think those technology was new because when I was there in first week, there is no cctv at all at the school building.

As I observed, almost all of the teachers there didn’t use the LCD and the projector to support teaching and learning process, they only use textbook and the whiteboard. But the situation was different when I saw some teacher candidates from UNJ did teaching experience, they really utilized the LCD and the projector in the classroom. In teaching, they always use slide show to explain the lesson and some of them use video in teaching.

When my friend and I taught a class, we have planned to use slide show in giving explanation. We had difficulties because we had to lend the remote of the projector officially to the teacher (it became a problem because in my campus I don’t have to do it, the remote always available in the classroom), and bring our own cable plug. My friends faced difficulties too in using LCD in that school. Some of them had to use plan B which was a conventional way in teaching because the LCD didn’t work. Some of them could handle it by asked first with the school staff about the problem.
I have a suggestion for the situation happened in that school. I think it will be better if the teacher engage more the technology to make the learning and teaching process more interesting so the students won’t feel bored.
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